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Essential Spa & Body Treatments

Updated: Jun 27, 2018

Wait, Spas Are They Safe?

Who could forget the headlines that nearly wiped out the cruise ship industry: Hundreds of people stricken with Legionnaires' disease, a potentially deadly pneumonia traced to a heated spa whirlpool bath located aboard a luxury cruise ship.

What Is #Legionnaire's Disease? Good question you will learn more on the link provided below.

Stress is a major component to a number of mental and physical health issues. Stress can manifest itself in different ways for different people and can arise out of a number of life events. Allowing yourself the opportunity to relax is key to keeping those stress and anxiety levels under control. To most of us, the epitome of relaxation includes a day at the spa which is not a bad idea at all.

Hi there, have you ever wondered where the whole Spa thing began or why people invented the Spa treatment?.

Before we go further, Spa-treatments and massage therapies, which are quick and relatively affordable, create both mental and physical health benefits. In fact, studies have shown that the frequency of visiting a spa directly correlates with better quality sleep, fewer sick days, reduced absenteeism from work and fewer hospitalizations. More specifically, the heat from a hot tub, sauna or steam shower soothe aches and pains from arthritis, fibromyalgia and other joint issues.

Now let's find out a little more about Spa's Origin:

Spa #therapies have existed since the classical times when taking bath with water was considered as a popular means to treat illnesses.

The practice of traveling to hot or cold springs in hopes of effecting a cure of some ailment dates back to prehistoric times. Archaeological investigations near hot springs in France and Czech Republic revealed Bronze Age weapons and offerings. In Great Britain, ancient legend credited early Celtic kings with the discovery of the hot springs in Bath, England.

Many people around the world believed that bathing in a particular spring, well, or river resulted in physical and spiritual purification. Forms of ritual purification existed among the Native Americans, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Today, ritual purification through water can be found in the religious ceremonies of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus. These ceremonies reflect the ancient belief in the healing and purifying properties of water. Complex bathing rituals were also practiced in ancient #Egypt, in prehistoric cities of the Indus Valley, and in Aegean civilizations. Most often these ancient people did little building construction around the water, and what they did construct was very temporary in nature.

Hydrotherapy, heat therapy and massages both improve blood circulation and manage blood pressure. Some spas even have Pilates and yoga, which improve flexibility and breathing. Throughout the process of massage therapy, lymph flow stimulation enhances the immune system. Propetr lymph flow, he body’s defense, draws out metabolic waste, excess water, toxins, and bacteria from the muscles. In turn, swelling and soreness decreases while ability to fight off disease increases.

Massage also improves circulation and posture.

Facials and mud baths detoxify the skin from built up waste and bacteria. This is important because the skin is not only the largest organ in the body, but also the first line of defense against environmental toxins. Facials also release stress tension from the head and neck, which can prevent headaches. Mud baths exfoliate and nourish the skin through the earth’s natural elements, like soil, clay, and water, which are full of vitamins and minerals.

As an additional stress reliever, most spas make the effort to use products that increase the physical and mental benefits of your particular service or treatment. In other words, lotions, scrubs, wraps, etc. come in soothing scents like lavender, eucalyptus, and aloe. In fact, in between spa visits scrubs are easy to make at home from ingredients found in most cupboards.

Brow Sugar, Almond & Tea Tree Oil


2 Table Spoon- Brown sugar 2 Table Spoon- Ground oats 2 Table Spoon- Aloe vera gel 1 Table Spoon- Honey 1 Table Spoon Lemon juice 1 Table Spoon Almond oil

1 Table Spoon of Tea Tree oil


Mix all ingredients together and massage all over body/face in a circular motion with your fingertips. Rinse with warm water. *Best done after you take a shower.

What are your favorite spa treatments to reduce stress?

Let me know in the comment box below.

Create Relevant Content

“Do you have a Spa business you wish to promote or are you planning to start one. Whichever it is here's some free tips for you.

Free #SPA Business Tips:

In the highly competitive and crowded day spa industry, effective marketing can make or break your business.  Typically, spa and salon business tends to fluctuate from one season to the next, and from year to year.  An effective marketing plan can help you get through the thin times, and make the most of the good ones.

Before you start raising your prices in order to pay for an expensive marketing campaign, however, consider these simple but essential low cost ideas to help your customers find you, encourage them to visit and keep them coming back.

Planning to Start A Spa Shop?

Here's what you can do:

1-Optimize the World Wide Web, claim your Yelp page and add photos and information about your business.

 2-Ensure your business is listed in every day spa directory that shows up on a Google, Bing and Yahoo search, and don’t forget Google+, Bing Local and Yahoo Local, for starters.  

3-All of these listings are free advertising so take advantage of them.


4-Encourage customers who visit your page to provide their email address in exchange for a 10% discount on services or some other bonus.  

5-Then you can send them a newsletter or notices of specials and promotions.

Thank you for stopping by,

Don't forget to share or subscribe for more free tips.



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