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Being Fat &Things I Put Up With

Updated: Jun 30, 2018

You Are Not Alone, do not face your battles alone, reach out for support don't die of depression. There is no motivating word greater than hearing this “Me, too.” when you are going stress. I get motivated and encouraged when I know that I am not alone in my battles. I couldn't help but create time to reach out girls likes me out there.

This pieces explains what goes on in my head, heart and body and my life, "you are not alone". Wait, before you breath a word- My post has no filter, I hit the nail and bite the bullets. Got it? Ok, you are good to go.

Why it Feels Like We Are Endangered Species

Extinction is a natural phenomenon predicted by Darwin in his theory of evolution. A species goes extinct if it is not able to adapt to changes in its environment, or compete effectively with other organisms.

A species goes extinct if it is not able to adapt to changes in its environment or compete effectively with other organisms.

How the quote above trike you, make sense now?

Fat shaming involves criticizing and harassing overweight people about their weight thereby inducing depression and pressure, one of the consequences of depression is suicide.

  • Close to 800 000 people die due to suicide every year.

  • For every suicide there are many more people who attempt suicide every year. A prior suicide attempt is the single most important risk factor for suicide in the general population.

  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds.

  • 78% of global suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms are among the most common methods of suicide globally.

Stop Discriminating Against Fat people!!

Stop the discrimination, unless you have a reason to do so, I'll have to ask you to wait on the curb with the rest of the trash.
Stop the discrimination, unless you have a reason to do so, I'll have to ask you to wait on the curb with the rest of the trash.

"Oh no you are so fat why don't you do some exercises,


Tell you what it’s true, I don’t really exercise and most certainly not in any way that most people would define as "exercise".

This may surprise a lot of people because I am always dancing and doing my little workouts in my room, I still don't see much difference maybe it's my eyes or my mirror just likes to give me false feedback when as ask "mirror mirror on the wall how do I look? "her feed back is you still look the same even worse"

I always find it amusing when people tell me what I believe in.

No, I don’t lie in bed all day (although I am perfectly happy to do that). I live in an environment that would naturally force you to exercis, its about 15 minute walk to the grocery shop , I go up and down during my training section, I climb the stair in my office building everyday, and do some more when am pressed because the convenient room it situated downstair. Throughout the day I’m moving weights around the dusts out before the get me (Allergic to dust). Every now and then I’ll go on a hike. During the summer I like to go for a long walk around the neighborhood. Scratch that– I LOVE to walk. I also really enjoy exploring cool dance moves. About once a week I work on improving my dancing skills for 2-3 hrs and oh, yes I forgot to add, I go clubbing and dance till the wee hours of the morning (don’t ask). But I don’t “exercise”.

Occasionally I’ll lift some weights. It’s probably better described as “screwing around in my room”. It can be as frequent as three times a week (very rare) but I often go almost a year without a true “workout”. I also can’t remember the last time I went for a run. God I hate running,

Oh you are fat why don’t I recommend a weight program for you ?

Yes please, but is it for free? if it isn’t, I’ll just sit out this one.

Living with fat body is quite a challenge, reminding me of being fat is another. I know am fat, and I know how I look, because I have looked at my self in the mirror God knows how many times, you don't have to open your mouth like a a loose cannon!

My Story

I have this instance the urge announce my weight problem.

First of all I have lived in denial for a very long time, I know I was gaining weight rapidly but I was busy telling myself it’s ok, I kept on saying I will lose the few added pounds, I have denied that I'm treated any differently than the rest of the world, until the realization hit. Oh no!, it was the most horrible comments I have ever received from a closest friend, I was deeply hurt and, I didn’t know when I tears rolled down my eyes and that night I cried myself to sleep.

We all like to believe we are appreciated and accepted the way we are, Sister; that is a huge lie, because majority of those hypocrite out there, will not hesitate to throw a comment about your weight whenever they feel you are taking too much of the spot light from them, to them you are too fat to be loved, Take for example the mean-skinny girl next door who thinks the world revolves around her suddenly catches her boyfriend admiring you.

Rather than skin her boyfriend alive, expect response like this “ Oh, you look gorgeous in that dress, perhaps you would look stunning if you loss some weight”

There's not a woman in this universe who haven't experienced another mean-woman taking the some pleasure in your downfall, the moment there is a slim chance that you outshine or eventually outshine her, take for example when I was young and went out with guys and group of girls, I noticed how the girls constantly try to point at your weight at every turn of the conversation.

“ Funny how sometimes skinny girls just find it funny to poke on your weight, like seriously how lame is that,” not just the poking part I could almost swear that I sense a bit of jealousy in their act, perhaps with all my fat issues, I still try to look drop dead gorgeous. No wonder mama didn't complain when I traveled to Paris for fashion lessons! “I have to love this woman as much as I can for as long as I can"

“I, a plus sized, dark-skinned woman, had a love scene on primetime television,” Sidibe wrote. “I had the most fun ever filming that scene even though I was nervous. But I felt sexy and beautiful and I felt like I was doing a good job.”

Later, the Oscar-nominated actress added: “I’m very proud of the work we all did to make that scene a great opening for the episode. I keep hearing that people are ‘hating’ on it. I’m not sure how anyone could hate on love but that’s okay. You may have your memes. Honestly, I’m at work too busy to check Twitter anyway. #Booked. Hope you enjoy next week’s show!”

Some of the famous fat girls we all known recent times didn't get the big break till they were 40! . What, we are not always this conscious of our body till we get to 9 maybe 10 years of age then we begin to give in to peer pressure string from the school. As we progress as adults, we end up either good or mean jerks. Those of them who stayed good are either hurting or get hurt.

If you've ever dealt with someone who constantly jabbed at your weight problem instead of encouraging to loss with understanding or something else you are having a challenge with, you would understand why I am so upset, when I was little I was thin thin and still was “the fat chick”. Even if you try to tell them that they're fine as they are or tell them they're beautiful it doesn't seem to change the fact that you are just not good enough.

Get the picture?

Girl it’s very natural and ok for guys to admire good, big, fat, thin, skinny girls, you don’t have to drag my weight in it. Although I know deep down that I am fat, all I am guilty of letting it get to my head although it is usually the case, I'm a fat woman and I know it. I see myself in the mirror every day. However, I have denied that it's a problem for me in any way. I've pictured myself, in my head, as thin and a New York skinny Mannequin, I imagine what I would look like in certain outfits and clothes such as lingerie and swim trunks, and I have eaten certain foods, pushing the limits, purchased and consumed so many weight loss drugs. I have done 6 months exercise with diet and all that shit, it just didn't work! Oh, I have also I've imagined cutting off the fat parts of my body. I have denied myself some gorgeous cloths I bought, hoping to loss some weight so I would try them on eventually, I painfully gave them away.

I have on several occasion try sweet talking myself into-believing the world is no longer ignorant and the people are now aware of the pain we undergoes from silly and insensitive comments like “ how much do you weigh”? However, society disagrees. I've been smacked on the head with the brick wall of "truth" time without number, I am not pigheaded. I do accept brick walls though if it will change anything, I just want to bust through them. I disagree with the thought that being fat automatically means I have a serious problem that will lead to early and horrible and painful death like they make is out to be.

Ok, whats with the heel, everyone is on the heels and stilettos except me. For a long time now I have forced to settle for flats shoes, I may look cute on them but I looked better with the heels. The only problem is my sweet feet have been tasked to carry my whole Curvaceous weight, unfortunately the two beauties couldn’t help it but complain due to blisters . Nowadays I just stayed with the low heels and sandals fuming.

Plus Size Fashion

It seems we are the prime target, these corporations constantly pushing fat people to the brink, I wish I could say extinction or is it?

Most fashion and beauty industries have pushed the fat people almost to the brink of extinction, and good many of them have found a way to make money and improve the former l out of reach fashion looks. We have had the choice of clothes we wont’t normally find anywhere because it was not made for plus size, I get that, but is the fashion new “progress" in the fashion industry ever going to make fashionable and exotic cloths for a universal size expansion among all brands and retailers, which would result in every designer creating clothing options for people sizes XXXXXXXX-20 to 50XL. But I do hope that this proposition don't seem quite as far-fetched in the coming years because with my gift of design, I am going to make some stunning clothes for fat girls to proudly wear them and darn the consequences. Kidding but seriously I do have the gift to design nice fashionable outfits, I look forward to starting my own cloth making shop soon. Am I the only one who have noticed that actors who are fat are forced to play the punchline, the villain, or the self-loathing sad fatty.

Let Talk, about peer pressure starting with our younger version-teens.

Peer influence and peer pressure. Peer influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn't otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It isn't just or always about doing something against your will.

Can Peer pressure or influence be positive?

Teen body image issues can have a positive and negative impact on their daily in the future. Teenagers might be the most fashion-conscious people on the planet. Because they’re doing the hard work of forming their sense of self, what they wear becomes incredibly important. Furthermore, I feel its time we start looking toward the aftermath.

What happens when they become full adults?

Experienced adult have not even adapted to the financial and mental pressure let alone a teen who just turned adult and end up without a job, without any prior experience on how to handle adulthood. If teens are not properly prepared for future eventualities, I see a future generation consumed with self loath, drug abuse and worse due to loss of a parent, guardian

How is this all connected to the post?

You see my parents allowed me alot of privileges and never truly to me what to expect, I was doing things to impress my friends and everyone but me, plus I was dyslexic and always sick, they dotted on me but never did tell me just how bad the outside world is, eventually I started experiencing abuse and all form of humiliation, if only they told me what to expect. Perhaps I would be courageous enough to tell them how many uncles abused me (find link to this story below)

Guardian, parents and including teachers relationships are among the most important in a teens’s life with these in mind they would readily be supportive when a teen goes through a life phase such as:

Loss of a guardian

Weight gain

Fall out from the fashion industry due to aging

Dismissed due to drop in social medial hits or weight gain

Depressed due to loss of fame

Depressed due to financial instability.

In other words the I -hate- myself -for being -fat-syndrome is a disease we must no fail to point out to the teens or our children.

Self loath drive you insane and stops you from having fun, dating or even a decent relationship with friends and family. Waif it there is a way, I hear there’re still good number of people who like it when a woman is on the heavy side.

But wait, why do men who love plus-size women be treated like kings, are we that disgusting to love? There is a stigma attached to those men who date women of a certain size, a large number of men are more attracted to overweight women than skinny women but are too embarrassed to admit it.

My question is make such comparison for God sake!

Skinny girls are good and beautiful too, so what's the big deal really, I mean we are all human. I am not against skinny girl, I am against (mean Girls skinny or fat).

Let’s do something bold and crazy drop a hint if you love Plus Size (PS) indicate in your comment as: “Yes I love PS”


Before we go any further I would like to change what your educators fail to tell you.

In defining F-A-T, people

Educators wrote:




I disagree and I say instead:




Being Angry at my self all the time

I am always angry when I see damaging societal belief which sadly, often targets FAT people, I get angry when I realize that the society, never think I am enough, the idea of selling me weight loss drugs or fitness plan is alarming. There is this saying I hate the most “ eat like a fat person”. I do not have the right to put-on a pretty cloth because whenever I do, I get remarks like “ the cloth makes you look better”. The worst is when I eat in public restaurants I get looks from people, wondering if whats just ordered is good enough for me or too much.

I eat good food as much as anybody

Don’t measure the size of my meal or how many calories my food contains, it could contain a gazzelion calories for all I care , as long as it’s healthy and a good food that cost me money I am eating the darn food!!.


I am not gonna let my weight stop me from tasting amazing cuisine, I am gonna run after a bus, climb a few steps up the mountain, com back down and rest for hours, try chasing handsome dudes for change, rush in on mean-skinny girls only party and fly Cheap Flight to Phuket- Bangkok- Thailand and travel to India and Cambodia, meet a fellow traveler fall in love and come home together and enjoy a Romantic-get-away-Weekend together. How about that eh?

Flying while Fat comes With Its own Challenges

Like, anyone one else we do not deserve the aviation new rule, I just don’t think it’s fair to pay twice or triple the amount for a seat in the flight. It’s not like I am gonna be treated any better by so doing. If you’ve ever traveled while fat, you’ve probably stumbled across a few hitch that left you wishing you could have just chosen instead to take a hike to another more responsible planet!!

Least I forgot anyone have any Idea, what to do with Chub-rub?

My Chu-rub are responsible for putting a dent and several holes on my pair of sexy pants. It has turned me to a good tailor over the years. Before you make your Booking for your next trip do consider what to wear something nice baggyish, but it has to be sexy incase you bump into mr right I mean the Prince Charming!

Ok not every body will like this post but who cares,I am just keeping it real, no filter, I just hit the nail and bite the bullets!

But still my appologies if you feel bad, I just don't like mean people thats all. I do have skinny girls as my sweet friends and these girls are not mean-girls...

Until then have a wonderful time.

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